My Baby Boy
He changed my life forever when he entered the world.
You never know what type of mother you’ll really be until the time comes.
This little one taught me unconditional LOVE and
helped make me a stronger woman than I ever thought I could be.
I often wondered what he would become.
Well this month he’ll celebrate his 22nd Birthday.
He’s a Marine now and I’m so very proud of him.
I miss watching him grow as a little boy but
to see him find his way as a man is quite a Blessing.
This week I made one of his favorite treats…Peanut Brittle.
It’s in the mail now. Fingers are crossed. I hope he likes it.
This post was inspired by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.
The prompt I chose this week was: Write a post in just 12 lines.
The Peanut Brittle Recipe can be found at The Joy of Baking