I’ve been writing this blog for a few months now and, if you’ve been following, you’ll notice that I’m part of a family that likes to celebrate. And eat. And celebrate some more.
During the year there are so many birthdays and last weekend was no exception. There was one on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! We were able to celebrate one of them on Saturday morning with a nice breakfast. My youngest sister hosted.
We had the traditional selection of breakfast foods for everyone to choose from including bacon, scrambled eggs, grits…yep, I said grits…cook to order omelets and pancakes with syrup.
I actually topped my pancakes with strawberries that had been soaking in honey. I’m thinking this is healthier but don’t tell me if it isn’t cause the absence of syrup guilt is really comforting to me. Besides, how else can I justify the guilty pleasure of having birthday cake shortly after breakfast?
My sister-in-law made a special request to have a German Sweet Chocolate Cake baked for my brother. So, Miss A and I went to work on it…here are pics of the cake-to-be getting all mixed up.
And the tasty Coconut Pecan Filling/Frosting which is really good when you eat it warm straight from the pan.
And one last look at Birthday Breakfast Cake…
The recipe for this cake is inside the package of Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate and is available here on the Kraft website.