On the first Saturday of each month, some of the ladies in my family gather together to share brunch and some great conversations. At each gathering we typically decide who will host the next event and the hostess chooses a theme around which to plan the meal.
This year we skipped our brunch in January and had almost bypassed February until I received a call from one of my aunts Friday night. She had been contacted by one of her nieces. They wanted to know where we were meeting this month. I wasn’t sure what to do.
Since no brunch menu had been prepared and no location had been previously chosen, we decided to “brown bag” it and my little sister agreed to host. It turned out perfectly. We packed our own lunches and, instinctively, we each packed a little more to share. The brown bag offerings were as diverse as the topics that hovered over the table.
After it was all said and done, we worked out the calendar for the rest of the year and now have something fabulous to look forward to every 1st Saturday. This is one of the best times I experience each month. As I share the details of future events, I hope it will inspire other women to carve out similar moments in their lives to do the same.
Thanks for stopping by!